St. Mary of Bethany Parish Podcast

Tenth Sunday After Pentecost | Feast of St. Mary of Bethany |

Psalm 42, Ephesians 3, John 12 |

July 29, 2018 | 

Rev. Danny Bryant |

St. Mary of Bethany Parish | Anglican (Nashville, TN)

Direct download: 2018_07_29_St._Marys_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00pm CST

Ninth Sunday After Pentecost |

2 Samuel 7, Psalm 89, Ephesians 2, Mark 6 |

July 22, 2018 | 

Rev. Shawne Brown |

St. Mary of Bethany Parish | Anglican (Nashville, TN)

Direct download: 2018_07_22_St._Marys_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:05pm CST

Eighth Sunday After Pentecost |

2 Samuel 6, Psalm 24, Ephesians 1, Mark 6 |

July 15, 2018 | 

Steve Hollis |

St. Mary of Bethany Parish | Anglican (Nashville, TN)

Direct download: 2018_07_15_St._Marys_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:02pm CST

Seventh Sunday After Pentecost |

2 Samuel 5, Psalm 48, 2 Corinthians 12, Mark 6 |

July 8, 2018 | 

Rev. Danny Bryant |

St. Mary of Bethany Parish | Anglican (Nashville, TN)

Direct download: 2018_07_08_St._Marys_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:22am CST

Sixth Sunday After Pentecost |

2 Samuel 1, Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8, Mark 5 |

July 1, 2018 | 

Rev. Danny Bryant |

St. Mary of Bethany Parish | Anglican (Nashville, TN)

Direct download: 2018_07_01_St._Marys_Sermon.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:14am CST