St. Mary of Bethany Parish Podcast

The First Sunday in Lent | Deuteronomy 26:1-11 | Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16, 39-40 | Romans 10:8b-13 (all NT readings from First Nations Version) | Luke 4:1-13 | March 6, 2022 | Rev. Danny Bryant | St. Mary of Bethany Parish (Nashville, TN) 

Readings & Resources: The Collected Sermons of Walter Brueggemann, Volume 2  - Walter Brueggemann | "...From Patriarchy and Purity Culture: The Problem of Patriarchy w/ Willie James Jennings " - the Reclaiming My Theology podcast | A Hidden Wholeness - Parker Palmer | Being Christian - Rowan Williams | Now and Then - Fredrick Buechner 

Direct download: Merciful_Together.m4a
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